Captain Earth Wiki

The Garm Engine is a colossal Unmanned Impacter and Saltydog's Ultimate Weapon.


The Garm Engine is a massive Impacter shaped almost resembling a beehive, coloured brown in most of its body with the exception of its hexagonal front with what looks like red panels. It sports six large claw-like apendages surrounding this area.

Weapons & Abilities

The Garm Engine is a special Impacter made to capture Kiltgang bodies to support the Kivotos Plan. Being roughly the size of the Tenkaidou it uses its massive construction to perform this feat.

  • Beam Cannon: Garm's standart weapon. It can shoot powerful red coloured  beams from its front, allegedly powerful enough to destroy the Kivotos in a single blast. Even using Teppei's DC Livlaster to shield from the blasts can be a difficult feat, showcasing its power.
  • Support Unit: Due to its massive size, the Garm also serves as a port, shipping several much smaller units to support it. Some of these units include the Cerberus and several plane-shaped drones.
    • Capture Ring: While extending its claws, the Garm can use its drones to make several ring shaped formations of growing radius distant from one another. The drones then perform what looks like an eletric field on each of the ringed sections. The size of this entire structure is large enough to cover the Blume.